Rules of District 5 AALAS
Established July 30, 1981
Amended May 21, 1993
Amended September 7, 1994
Amended December 6, 2000
Amended May 10, 2013
Updated October 28, 2020
Rule #1
Purpose: To provide a district meeting and coordinate district activities.
Rule #2
Membership: The Council shall consist of one voting representative from each branch. In addition, the District 5 Trustee and the Alternate Trustee would sit on the Council. The Alternate Trustee will be a voting member of the Council, and the Trustee voting only in the case of tie. The Council will be chaired by the Trustee. The Council chairperson will appoint the Secretary / Treasurer with the approval of the Council.
Rule #3
Meetings: Meetings to occur a minimum of twice a year. Dates for the District 5 Council meetings to be set by the chairperson.
Rule #4
Amending Rules:
Council can amend its rules by a 2/3 majority vote.
Policies of the District 5 AALAS Council
1. The Council determines the rules and policies of District 5.
2. The District 5 Council consists of 1 trustee, 1 alternate trustee, the secretary/treasurer, and the branch president or a representative from each branch.
3. The Council meets a minimum of two times per year - once at the annual District 5 meeting and once at the National meeting.
4. The trustee presides over the meeting and only votes in the event of a tie.
5. The president-elects are invited to both Council meetings as nonvoting members and other guests as invited by the trustee.
1. The treasurer is appointed by the chair.
2. The District 5 treasurer may provide a budget for National meeting lunch or snacks. The annual breakfast meeting expenses are included in the budget for the annual meeting and therefore paid by the host branch.
3. Expenses incurred in conducting District 5 business should be approved by the Council and paid by the District 5 treasurer.
4. Travel expenses for any specially called meeting other than the Annual D5 or meeting held at the National AALAS meeting and not reimbursed by employer – mileage will be reimbursed at the Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Mileage Reimbursement Rates of the GSA (gsa.gov).
5. Audit Committee – The council will choose an audit committee composed of the trustee, Secretary/Treasurer, and two other Council members to audit the Treasurer’s books yearly.
6. The District 5 trustee, alternate trustee and secretary/treasurer must petition the Council prior to the midyear meeting if they require financial assistance in order to attend the national AALAS meeting. The Council will decide at the midyear meeting whether to provide a stipend based on the need of the individual and the availability of funding.
7. D5 Annual Meeting Advisory Committee. The D5 Council will establish a new standing committee composed of two previous D5 Annual Meeting Chairs (or designees), the incoming D5 Annual Meeting Chair, and the two branch presidents not represented by a meeting chair. That committee serves until the end of the D5 Annual Meeting for that year, at the wrap-up meeting. The Advisory Committee members are empowered by their respective branches to review and make recommendations to the D5 Council on all financial aspects of the D5 Annual Meeting.
Minutes/Newsletter/History of District 5
1. The Secretary/Treasurer sends a draft of the Council meeting minutes to the trustee and alternate trustee for corrections and additions. The corrected minutes are then sent to the branch presidents.
2. The branch president disseminates the information to their membership.
3. The trustee sends reports/newsletters to the Council members after the annual meeting and the midyear Board of Trustees meeting.
4. The History of District 5 should be updated yearly and maintained on the D5 website.
D5 Awards Committee Policies
1. The awards committee consists of the trustee, the alternate trustee, and the branch awards chairpersons.
2. Seven awards may be presented annually: the Outstanding ALAT, LAT, LATG, and Research Support Staff, Distinguished Service, Excellence in Laboratory Science, and Vendor of the Year.
3. The awards committee selects the recipients of the awards.
4. The Outstanding ALAT, LAT, LATG, and Research Support Staff recipients receive a $300 stipend and a plaque. The Distinguished Service, Excellence in Laboratory Science and Vendor of the Year each receive a plaque.
5. The trustee or alternate trustee with the least number of years remaining in office presents the awards at the annual District 5 meeting.
Annual Meeting
1. Meeting Profits – “The host branch of the Annual District 5 Meeting will be responsible for the meeting expenses, including awards, plaques and seed money, and that any profit be first used to maintain the District treasury balance at $20,000. The remaining profit would be split equally between the District and the host branch. If the profit is less than $100, the host branch will retain that amount. However, if the host branch loses money, the District treasury will cover the expenses.” The branch may request seed money for the annual meeting. A specified amount has not been set. Currently, the host branches have been requesting $1000.
2. The host branch should maintain registration fees for individuals and vendors at a constant level and if there is a need to increase the fees, the council must vote on the increase. The current rates are:
Member - full registration
Non-member - full registration
Thurs Only - Member
Fri Only – Member
Base vendor pricing
$300 (1 rep)
+ $125 for each additional representative
Late fee
Sponsorship fees (for larger booth size and/or additional advertising)
3. The registration packet should state a deadline for late fees and a policy for refunds.
4. Speakers may be given free registration, especially if they are from another District.
5. The Allied Trades Representative for the District meeting is chosen by the host branch.
6. All exhibitors pay full vendor price for table space at the annual District V meeting.
7. An "Interactive Membership Discussion" should be scheduled during the annual District 5 meeting. The trustee and alternate trustee will lead this discussion. The discussion will include the introduction of the District V officers, branch presidents and TBRs, updates on AALAS issues, the agenda for the breakfast Council meeting and questions or suggestions from the membership on issues to be discussed at the Council meeting. The remainder of the program is determined by the host branch. “The host branch of the annual D5 AALAS meeting invites a national AALAS officer or staff member to attend the meeting.”
8. The D5 awards are presented during the annual D5 meeting.
9. The host branch plans a meeting for the TBR's and a breakfast for the Council meeting. The participants should be notified prior to the annual District 5 meeting.
Annual Council Breakfast Meeting
1. The breakfast meeting shall include the Council members, the president-elects of each branch, representatives of the current annual meeting planning committee, a representative of the upcoming meeting planning committee, and any other invited guests.
2. The breakfast meeting is scheduled on the last day of the meeting.
3. The agenda should include:
Report from host branch on attendance, finances, problems, etc. of the current meeting. (A standard attendance and finance report should be completed for the secretary's record.)
Report from host branch for the next annual meeting